Big and Bold Contemporary Blooms

Unleash your creative side and let's go big, bold and bright as you learn to paint large contemporary floral's.



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Public$175.00 Sold Out

Class Dates

Wednesday May 15, 2024 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Thursday May 16, 2024 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Take on the challenge of painting your very own masterpiece on a large canvas during this two day workshop. There will be step by step demo instruction.
By the end of this course, you will have learned how to handle working with a wide, flat brush, how to effectively apply loose expressive brushstrokes, and how to create contemporary floral shapes.
Pre-requisites: basic knowledge of colour theory and composition. Experience working with acrylics previously.

Materials: see list below

Please note, this is an in-studio program.

Please contact for any questions.

Materials List

My preferred acrylic paint colours are listed below. Please don't feel obliged to get them all. I like Golden and/or Liquitex brand
I tend to use heavy body paints as colours are sharper and richer
Bring whatever you have as well.

-Titanium white
-Primary magenta
-Hansa yellow/Indian yellow - if not available any shade of cadmium yellow will do
-cadmium red (perfect for poppies!)
-Burnt sienna
-Ultramarine blue
-Paynes gray (optional)
-Titanium white
- green and yellow high flow small bottles (for special squiggles and lines) not essential but nice to have!

PAINTING SURFACES - suggested sizes (you can use whatever you think works best for you)
I like painting on square canvases for more contemporary work.

One 30"x 30" gallery width canvas or gessoed wood panel. If you already have a painting surface close to this size please feel free to use it.

-One or two 3" and/or 4" Liquitex synthetic flat paddle brush from De Serres
-2 Flat tipped synthetic angled brushes ranging from 1" - 2". I use De Serres Zen Brand which are inexpensive
-Assorted palette knives (narrow and long as well as short and wide) - plastic ones are fine.
-One comb edged rubber scraper (not essential but nice to have!)
-3 Posca markers, 5m in blue, white and black.

- Soft HB pencils, sharpener and kneaded eraser

-Palette for acrylics (disposable pad is easier)
-J cloths
-Green or masking tape

I will supply a photo reference for each student. I feel it is generally easier to grasp the concepts if you follow from my demo photo. For more advanced students you can work from your own reference photos if you wish.